Ace Professional Writing Services provide professional copywriting services for a wide range of requirements. After one-to-one client consultation we draft a wide array of marketing and promotional written media including Business Plans, Proposals, Advertising Scripts, Letters, Papers, Newsletters, Annual Reports, Brochures, Survey Reports, Marketing Material etc. In fact, our professional writing services are extremely useful anywhere where well written word content is required.
Copywriting is the art of writing promotional material persuasively so that a potential customer will be inclined to avail of your goods or services. It differs from website content writing in that, whereby website content should entertain and entice an online reader to stay as long as possible on a website, copywriting is a more direct approach using carefully crafted copy to directly promote, advertise or market a product or service. Copywriting is more ‘hard sell’ writing if you like. Good copywriting is therefore indelibly linked to advertising, marketing and brand awareness – all of which are key to the success of your business or organization.
Here at Ace Professional Writing Services we are unique in that we have broad experience of writing professionally as well as years of experience in the advertising industry too. Copywriting is used to great effect across a wide variety of promotional and marketing media.This includes the wording or scripting of advertisements for social media, for TV, radio or video and newspaper and magazines etc. Copywriting is also used in advertisement feature writing, brochures, catalogues, pamphlets, promotional eMails, flyers, business catchlines and just about anywhere where good quality written promotional copy is required to direct the public’s attention to your business or organisation.